Snacks in the Drawer
Some time ago, my Pastor spoke about having snacks in your drawer. You know, little cakes, pies, candies, chips and such. It’s the snack stash when you need a quick pick-me-up so to speak. He went as far as to share the snacks he had in his office drawer. I truly thank God for his transparency!
Now, what could be so wrong with having a snack stash in the drawer? Of course we could talk about how overindulging in unhealthy eating isn’t good for us. However, in this case it wasn’t so much about the stash as it was more about the left turn he made next. This left turn hit the heart hard!
Spiritual Snacks
My Pastor, Overseer Thomas A. Pulliam, Sr. went on to speak about the other snacks in the drawer: the spiritual snacks.
These snacks include malice, envy, jealousy, procrastination, covetousness, hatred, and on and on. 1 Peter 2:1 speaks to laying aside all malice, guile, hypocrisies, envies and evil speakings: SNACKS.
Ephesians 4 speaks to putting away lying: SNACKS.
Honestly, when he took that left turn I was really moved. I took the time to examine myself to “check my drawer” to see what spiritual snacks were in my drawer. What issues were I holding onto? What weights had I not laid aside yet?
What’s in Your Drawer?
Do you have malice that you’ve tucked away in your drawer that you pull out when convenient? Do you hold grudges for days, months, years when you should lay those aside (honestly, they get heavier the longer you hold onto them)? What about corrupt communication? Is that in your drawer?
Just with unhealthy snacks in the drawer, sometimes you have to clean out the drawer and get rid of those things that are harmful to your health. Just the same, consider it time to clean out your spiritual drawer and get rid of those weights that can so easily beset you.
So, what snacks are in your drawer? Snickers, Little Debbie, Jelly Beans with a little anger, malice, and envy? Let me know in the comments!
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Great blog. I loved that message as well. My snacks would definitely include overthinking and emotion. I give GOD glory for my deliverance from them. It is upon me now! ICYB
Amen and amen! Thank you for sharing. That’s true, God does deliver but once He does, it’s on us to walk in that deliverance daily and not return to the old man. Yes, indeed!