Runaway Emotions

He that hath no rule over his own spirit is like a city that is broken down, and without walls (Proverbs 25:28, KJV).

Have you ever had moments where your emotions got the best of you? Ever been in a situation where you got so mad and it seemed as if you simply could not control yourself in your anger?

Maybe you’ve gotten so frustrated or irritated that you let mean and ugly words fly right out of your mouth without any thought? Maybe you cursed? Maybe you spoke death instead of life? Maybe you acted irrationally?

Or have you ever been so needy for attention that you said anything (whether true or false) just to be the center of attention and you never gave thought to your words before saying them?

How about this. Have you ever done things so out of your character but it was only driven by your emotions? Have you made decisions that were solely based on emotions? Did you fail to think some things through but rather went with what pleased your emotion in that moment?

Well, that’s what I call the results of RUNAWAY EMOTIONS!

When you’re in a place where your emotions are controlling you, it shows that you have no rule over your spirit in that moment. These things should not be! This can be more damaging to yourself and others than you think.

Don’t get me wrong, I understand. I’ve had many situations and circumstances where my emotions ran clear down the road before I could even take a moment to gather myself. Before I knew it, I was mad with my face all scrunched up, my spirit was out of whack and my attitude was foul. How’s that for representing the righteousness of God?

Proverbs 25:28 rings so true to me and has been a daily goal in my life. I want to control my spirit and my emotions so that I show the discipline over myself. Let’s just say that it’s a significant point on my spiritual audit! When you’re like a city with broken down walls, that means your defense is down. You are wide open to the devil’s devices! But you don’t think about that when your emotions are all over the place.

Now, let’s flip the table for a second. Haven’t you seen others lose their cool? What was your reaction to them in that moment? Did you think they needed counseling? Did you say a quick prayer asking God to straighten them out? Did you criticize their inability to control their emotions? Did you want to preach to them about a better way to handle themselves?

Well…someone, somewhere may have looked at you that same way!

Controlling your spirit, your mouth, your emotions, your attitude and your actions takes work! But with the word of God as a lamp unto your feet and light unto your path, you can surely master your runaway emotions. The grace of God is sufficient for you even as you strive to control your runaway emotions.

Yes, it’s a yearly, monthly, weekly, hourly thing to control your runaway emotions but remember this: SOMEONE IS WATCHING YOU!

You represent Christ. You represent the kingdom of God. You represent holy and righteous living. You represent Titus 2 Living!

So, reel those runaway emotions back in and get yourself under control!

Let’s discuss! How do you work on controlling your runaway emotions? What kinds of experiences have you had where your emotions ran way from you and you ended up regretting it? How are you becoming victorious over your runaway emotions? Comment below!