
Organizing Financial Records

When creating a well-managed household budget, it is important to have good financial records to identify all sources of income and expenses. A financial record is any document (physical or electronic)  that reports the amount, the date, and the source of a specific transaction (an exchange of money, goods, or service). For example when making […]

3 Tips for Your Budget

The purpose of creating a budget is to get a clear picture of how your income is spent and the frequency. Understanding this picture will help you make decisions that will minimize expenses and maximize income for a well-managed household budget. As the CEO of your household corporation it is your job to create opportunities […]

Unfair Roles

Role Assignments. It’s definitely a common practice. Let’s say you’ve known a person for some time and you’ve gotten close. It’s easy to assign them a role of best friend, close friend, God-sister, God-brother and so on. It happens! Role assignments tend to make us feel a sense of security and definition in our relationships. […]

Defining Chastity

Titus chapter 2 reminds older women to teach younger women many things. One of those things is to be chaste. When you think of the word “chaste”, do you think of purity rings, chastity belts, purity ceremonies and the such? Of course, the definition of chaste means to remaining pure until marriage and that is […]

The Value of a Budget

What is a budget? A budget is the process of tracking your income and planning for how it is spent to pay for bills, save for emergencies, and invest in the future. It is important to know where your income is coming from and when it is available for use. For example someone working multiple […]

Right Place, God’s timing.

Often times, we think that God is separate from our day to day activities. We use words such as, “coincidence” or phrases such as, “right place at the right time” as if to say that God had nothing to do with our feet being in the proper place at the right time. Without thought, we […]

Pace Setter

“Howbeit when he, the Spirit of truth, is come, he will guide you into all truth: for he shall not speak of himself; but whatsoever he shall hear, that shall he speak: and he will shew you things to come.” – John 16:13, KJV One day, while driving on the Atlanta expressway, I noticed one […]

Covid-19 Impact on Businesses?

It comes as no surprise that many businesses have had to make some adjustments during this time of dealing with the Coronavirus or Covid-19. As an event planner/manager, I have had to make some adjustments myself. It’s my job to plan, promote and produce events that bring people together. These events are in-person gatherings and […]

Why Titus 2?

So, what exactly is Titus 2 about? What is the Titus II Show & Titus II Living blog all about? The word of God is very powerful. It is filled with verses that will help you live a blessed holy and righteous life in the sight of God in this present world. Specifically with the […]

Don’t Get Darted!

“Above all, taking the shield of faith, wherewith ye shall be able to quench all the fiery darts of the wicked”- Ephesians 6:16, KJV I remember sitting in church some months ago, listening to my Pastor preach on the whole armor of God. He got to Ephesians 6:16 and told the congregation, “DART!”. That was […]