You may have read the title and thought, “The best sandwich?” Yes! The best sandwich. Keep reading and you’ll see why. Some days ago, I had made it through a full day of getting things done and accomplished. After sitting on the couch for a while, I decided to go to the kitchen to get […]
Recently, I was sitting at a tire shop getting new tires put on my car which was a favor move of God, by the way (huge thanks to James Smoot at Smoothturnroadside). While I waited, I decided to work on some social media designs for Titus 2 Living. I pulled up a design site and […]
Tax time can be a frustrating experience. You work hard all year only to see that the difference between your gross pay and your take-home pay is larger than you would like it to be. As citizens and residents of the United States it is our communal responsibility to contribute to this great nation’s operational […]
Welcome to the new year! The holiday season has ended, and you are watching your friends and family love on one another enjoying their gifts. Like a good steward, you take time to gather your bills and start creating your 2021 budget only to notice that you spent more than intended during the holidays. You […]
He that hath no rule over his own spirit is like a city that is broken down, and without walls (Proverbs 25:28, KJV). Have you ever had moments where your emotions got the best of you? Ever been in a situation where you got so mad and it seemed as if you simply could not […]
Setting financial goals can be intimidating but it is necessary in maintaining a healthy household corporation. The first step to setting goals is to identify what projects or accomplishments you want to reach within 12 months or less. These are called “short-term” goals and will typically cost you less than two months of your gross […]
I’m sure we have all heard of the Ketogenic diet, right? Known simply as KETO, many people are studying up on this way of eating and are seeing results that they are proud of. Read more about the Ketogenic diet here. Many have adopted it as a new way of life. Yet others have considered […]
The holiday season is right around the corner, and with it comes the temptation to indulge and overspend. Protect yourself from “Buyer’s Remorse” and financial setbacks by planning ahead. Have you ever bought something just because you saw it on sale and then later needed that money for something more important? Yes, it happens to […]
“When I was a child, I spake as a child, I understood as a child, I thought as a child: but when I became a man, I put away childish things.” (1 Corinthians 13:11, KJV) There have been times in my life where I knew I acted immature in some matters. But honestly, who wants […]