Got Fear?
For God hath not given us the spirit of fear; but of power, and of love, and of a sound mind (2 Timothy 1:7, KJV).
Have you ever been asked to do something and the initial reaction was a twinge of a slight case of a tiny bit of anxiety? For example, let’s say you were asked to give a class on baking a cherry pie (I only say that because I’d like a slice of cherry pie right now). You are an expert at baking cherry pie and you know how to make one like you know the back of your hand. But you typically try to avoid public speaking so when asked to give a class on baking a cherry pie, your initial reaction of surprise is met with a short lived moment of anxiety, or fear.
Do you know that feeling?
It’s the feeling of, “Can I do this?” Or, “Me? Really?” Or, “What will they think of me?”
Do you know that feeling?
Well, I have experienced that feeling before and I had to realize that it was fear. I realized that all that nervousness and anxiety was nothing more than the spirit of fear.
What is fear?
Well, according to Webster’s, fear is “A painful emotion or passion excited by an expectation of evil, or the apprehension of impending danger“. Another definition is simply, “anxiety”. Would you like to read the definitions for yourself? Check it out by clicking here.
So when you have that moment of fear, something inside of you is apprehensive because you feel that something harmful is headed your way.
But, you know what? That doesn’t match up with God’s promise in Jeremiah 29:11 which states, ” For I know the thoughts that I think toward you, saith the Lord, thoughts of peace, and not of evil, to give you an expected end”.
Why would you be apprehensive of something when:
- Your steps are ordered by the Lord. (Psalms 37:23)
- He will never put more on you than you can handle (1 Corinthians 10:13).
- His thoughts of you are of peace and not of evil (Jeremiah 29:11).
And most importantly, God hasn’t given you the spirit of fear! Fear is a spirit and God didn’t give it to you (yes, I repeated myself)!
There are several types of fears: Fear of failure, Fear of disapproval, Fear of rejection, Fear of judgment and more. You may think that that moment of anxiety is nothing major and will pass and you can then go on with your life, but really, fear can be a major problem in your walk with the Lord.
When you are overcome with fear, you are less likely to walk in faith. You’re less likely to live by faith and scripture tells us in Habakkuk 2:4, Romans 1:17, Galatians 3:11, and Hebrews 10:38 that the just shall live by faith! You have FOUR reminders to live by faith, not fear!
So, if you have the spirit of fear, know that it is not of God first of all. Face it, rebuke it and separate yourself from it. Remember, greater is he that is in you, than he that is in the world (1 John 4:4, KJV)! What are you fearful of?
Do you have fears that you are trying to mask with a carefully polished presentation? Are you battling fears that are overdue for a strong rebuke? Leave a comment and let’s talk about it!
Amen, I struggle with the fear of being misunderstood on a daily basis. I am not what you call a “people pleaser” or someone who can work the crowd, so I try to be mindful yet purposeful in what I say. Meeting new people and interacting with others is emotionally taxing and oftentimes exhausting. Every time I open my mouth, there is a slight pause in my inner thought that questions whether or not the dispensed statement was well received. I may be direct, blunt, and awkward but I do not carry malice or ill will towards others. I have learned to trust my Holy Ghost to guide my mouth and that the love I have for people will shine through bright enough for all to see.
Thank you for your comment, Dr. GNP! I understand the fear of being misunderstood! Sometimes we may say things with the right intent, but when it reaches the listener’s ears, they hear it in a way that is contrary to our intent. That can be a major challenge in communication understand the fear of being misunderstood. . But as long as you know the Holy Ghost is guiding your mouth, you are at peace with what you speak! Thank you for sharing!
Excellent topic! I think we have all had that moment of fear that we would rather pretend didn’t happen. I still struggle sometimes with being confident in certain areas that I only have because God blessed me with it. For example, I often compare myself to other photographers and become afraid to jump out, when God has allowed me to capture some beautiful moments that I love and make me thankful to have that eye for it. I need to drop the fear and allow God to guide me to the right clients and moments to capture memories!
So true! When we struggle with fear, we sometimes try to hide it with acts of strength. But that fear is still present and must be dealt with. It’s also true that we can become so fearful of stepping out in faith even on something that God called us. That makes it even the more important to remember that God didn’t give us the spirit of fear. Go ahead and step out in faith! Glorify God with every click of the camera! Capture those wonderful moments that bring lasting joy to those whom you photograph!
I have the fear of failing and messing up all over again. i try to take each step so careful that i fear that i even mess that up. Growing up it was clear sight that i was a mess up. But as i grow now i see that it was all a lie. But now i am just very careful. i don’t jump out on to many things because of that.
You’re definitely not alone in this fear. But praise God for the Holy Ghost and the word of God, right? And the blood of Jesus that covers us. Being diligent in understanding God’s will for you is so important because then, you won’t make certain moves as they will be out of His will. And the Holy Ghost does lead and guide you which is a blessing. And it is important to give careful thought to your ways and actions just don’t be fearful of moving forward! Thanks for sharing and keep growing in God and removing fear!